How to Handle Conflict and Escalations Before They Turn Legal 预览

How to Handle Conflict and Escalations Before They Turn Legal

讲师: Dana Robinson 311 位用户赞了
时长: 38 分钟 技能水平: 通用 发布日期: 2023/4/12


Did you know you have the power to fix customer service problems before they ever stand the chance of turning legal? In this course, join instructor Dana Robinson and explore the essential skills of satisfying, delighting, and retaining your clients and customers following the principles of escalation management.

From top executives to operational managers, front-line employees, and customer service representatives, your business requires you to address customer grievances every day, so why not build resolutions into your business process? Get tips from Dana on dealing with conflict before it turns legal, saving you the time, money, labor, and emotional friction that can result from unhappy clients and customers. Along the way, learn how to deactivate emotionally charged clients to move through complex, multilayered de-escalations. By the end of this course, you’ll be ready to start asking the right questions and listening actively to resolve customer complaints.

Note: This course was created by Dana Robinson. We are pleased to host this content in our library.






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4.8 分,最高 5 分

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    当前数据: 48 13%
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    当前数据: 2 1%
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    当前数据: 1 1%



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