课程: How to Create a Life of Meaning and Purpose
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Why self-reflection matters
- Whenever we're trying to figure out our lives, we often begin searching for something else that's out there. We put so much pressure on ourselves to think our way forward whether it's about the work we want to be doing, the cities we want to live in or the people we want surrounding us. We attempt to answer that question by creating goals and plans to help us find our life's purpose. Put simply, we are future obsessed but when you don't know where you want things to go, what do you do? What actions should you take if you don't know which ones will actually fulfill you? Which goals are even worth setting? Deciding where to take action is totally jumping the gun. The best thing to do is not to take action. I know, it's surprising but it's to take inventory. The answers to where you are going, they're in the stories of where you have already been. Reflection is a step that we often miss in our attempt to figure our…