课程: How to Create a Life of Meaning and Purpose


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Ways to ritualize meaning every day

Ways to ritualize meaning every day

- What's the best part of your day typically? Is it quiet mornings before others awake and before you're tuned into all that you have to do? Or maybe it's late at night when everything's done. Or perhaps, it's all the enjoyable moments in between, when you're in a state of total flow. The parts of your day, where you feel really alive, they can be here to tell you something because that is what meaning actually is. It's the moments. No one has fully purposeful days or weeks or even months. Rather, alignment comes from emphasizing and strategizing for the tiny beats. So in the part of the day you said brings you joy, can you think about why? Is it because of the people? Is it because of the quiet? Is it because of what you're doing or maybe what you're not doing? All of this is information. All of it's feedback about what brings you the energy that you're actually looking for. But this energy, it doesn't have to be…
