课程: How to Create a Life of Meaning and Purpose


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Understand what really matters

Understand what really matters

- We've learned that our standard ways of measuring success, like money, or fame, achievements, or even outcomes, they are not what fills us with purpose, or with meaning. So, if those things, the same ones that we have been told our whole lives are not what actually fills us up, what will? You probably know the answer to this deep in your heart, but it's always helpful to see just how many millions of dollars have been poured right in to positive psychology research that actually will prove it. There's a few things that will, indeed, make your work feel more meaningful, I promise. And since our work takes up so much of our life, it's worth exploring this here. So, first and foremost, if you know who you're working for, it can help you feel more positive about the work. I'm not talking about your boss, I'm talking about who you are in service to. This is known as job crafting. When you're able to reorient your work in…
