课程: How to Create a Life of Meaning and Purpose
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Other people can help you discover your purpose
课程: How to Create a Life of Meaning and Purpose
Other people can help you discover your purpose
- Have you ever heard the saying, joy is an inside job? It's so true and it's also not the entire truth. Meaning and purpose are very similar. They often come from within, as we've discussed, but they can also be helped by enrolling the connections that are closest to us. The champions in our lives can actually be incredible mirrors. They can help us determine our purpose and show us where to look to find activities and interests that will give us meaning. However, you'll never find your solutions unless you hand over your problems. So, it's time to actually talk about what you're feeling with the people who are closest to you. Here's what happens when you come out of your shell or from behind that giant 20 foot wall to actually acknowledge what you're feeling. When you talk about it with social connections and champions that you trust, you'll feel seen, you'll feel less alone, and you'll have an opportunity for feedback.…