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Troubleshooting with AI

Troubleshooting with AI

- [Instructor] A lot of people, including myself, use the internet for troubleshooting. You can ask a question in a search engine, you can look up the answer in an online forum, you can visit the developer or manufacturer's website for documentation reports and details. Using AI for troubleshooting, merges all these options into a central location. I'm on the ChatGPT website, though you can use any online AI search engine. Do be aware that some of these include paid advertising with their troubleshooting solutions. So, type in the question as if you are asking tech support. (keyboard clicking) My computer is running slowly. This is a common question, and here come the answers. To review the list, I see a lot of things that I suggest. Adding RAM definitely will help with a slow computer. Number 4, malware or viruses, that's typically my number one response. These are all good solutions, but as a theme, the answers are general. That's because the question is general. You can be more…
