课程: Harnessing AI in the Recruiting Lifecycle

Leveraging AI for cultural fit assessment

课程: Harnessing AI in the Recruiting Lifecycle

Leveraging AI for cultural fit assessment

- Over 50% of job seekers admit they would leave a job if the company culture was not a fit. A positive company culture is a top priority for job seekers and must reflect shared values, attributes, behaviors, and business practices. There is a tendency to point the finger at younger generations who have been known to quit a job shortly after starting with little or no notice. When in reality, they realized the company culture was not a fit, so they left and continued to interview. So rather than pointing the finger at them, I recommend talent professionals use AI tools to make an accurate assessment of your culture. Employees who align with your company culture are more likely to become engaged, motivated, and successful in their roles. Bottom line, taking the time to assess your company is good for business. In fact, many highly qualified candidates are willing to take less money if they align with the company culture. A great example is Southwest Airlines, who happens to be my favorite airline. When I was a recruiter in Dallas, I noticed many of the jobs at the corporate office paid less than other companies. However, I quickly learned that people wanted to work at Southwest Airlines because of their phenomenal company culture. Forbes has listed Southwest Airlines eight times as one of the best employers in America. Cultural fit goes beyond a candidate's qualifications, credentials, and experience. It ensures that their core values, their work style, and personality align with your company's way of interacting with employees and conducting business. Traditional methods to determine if someone was a cultural fit were often subjective and relied heavily on the intuition of the individuals involved in the hiring process. This often resulted in likability playing a key role in hiring decisions. In comparison, AI technology allows you to make accurate data-driven decisions that help remove unconscious bias and emotion from your hiring process. An example, AI tools can make an accurate assessment of your company culture. AI can evaluate how candidate values align with your company vision and mission statement. AI can evaluate how a candidate's communication style fits with your team's dynamics. AI can assess how a potential hires past behavior traits and capabilities align with your company's cultural expectations. AI ensures that you are bringing in candidates who not only have the skills and experience you require, but also share the values and behaviors that will help them thrive in your organization. To effectively integrate AI driven cultural fit assessments into your hiring process, start by clearly defining your company's culture. This includes identifying core values, preferred work styles, and common key behavioral traits among your leadership team and successful employees. Your culture is what your employees experience and what they say about your company when your not there. Culture is also impacted by location and leadership, which does influence the reality experienced by your employees. AI can help you determine if lack of engagement or turnover is a result of your company culture or an ineffective leader. AI technology will continue to evolve and will become an increasingly indispensable tool for companies who want to build strong culturally aligned teams.
