课程: Hands-On Introduction: SQL

Using GitHub Codespaces with this course - SQL教程

课程: Hands-On Introduction: SQL

Using GitHub Codespaces with this course

- [Instructor] On your course interface, find the GitHub Codespaces Open button. Click on it to go to GitHub. You then click on Create Codespace on Main button and wait for it to fully load. This might take some time. Now once it's fully loaded, we can see an Install button. Click on that. Once it's installed, navigate to File Explorer. This is where we have all the files that are needed for our project. I will be adding all the SQL queries here under the queries folder. These three are example SQL statements. This is just for your reference. Currently we are on the Main branch. We will have to navigate to chapter one, video one branch. So I click on Main and let's try to find 01_01 branch. There it is, chapter one, video one branch. So this is the one, I click on it, and now we can see that there are two folders here. The first one is to create the entire database that is needed for our course. So we will not be looking into that. The folder that we will be looking into is 01_01, which corresponds to our video. So I click on that and we have all the SQL statements that are needed for this specific video.
