课程: Hands-On Introduction: Java
Project setup
- [Instructor] Most of the heavy lifting to configure our project has already been taken care of by Codespaces. There's a couple of additional steps we need to cover so that we're ready to build our application. If you haven't already, be sure to fork the repo for this course so that you have your own personal working space. Once you have the editor opened, let's close any panels and popups. So we'll close this one and this one and this one. If you have any others, be sure to close those as well. In this course, we'll use a database, which holds all of the bank's records about customers and their accounts. To view the contents of the database, we'll need to install the SQLite Viewer plugin. To do so, click this Extensions icon on the left navigation menu, and we're going to scroll down to the Recommended section. So I'm just going to collapse these other sections. And you'll see the SQLite Viewer listed here. Go ahead and press Install. Once this is installed, click the Explorer icon on the left, and we're going to expand the Resources folder. Click on the Bank.db file. And this warning is informing us that the file can't be viewed using the default VS Code Editor. If we click Open Anyway, we'll see an option to open this file with the SQLite Viewer plugin. Once we click that, we see the contents of the database. Next, we need to import the Java project we'll be working on. We can do this by expanding the Java Projects section under Explorer. And I'll just collapse the very top one. We'll click this Import Projects button, and this will import our empty Banking project. Awesome. Our project has been imported. Now let's create a hierarchy of packages that we'll then add our project files to. So right-click on this Banking project and choose New Package. Then we need to enter a name. So let's enter src.main.java.bank and press Enter. If you don't see the new package hierarchy automatically appear, click the three dots to the right of the Java projects and click Refresh. Awesome. Now we see our structure. Now we have everything we need to get started building our project.