课程: Hands-On Advanced Python: Data Engineering Basics
What you should know - Python教程
课程: Hands-On Advanced Python: Data Engineering Basics
What you should know
- [Instructor] Before getting started with this course, there are some things that you should already know and be familiar with. So first, this course is intended for people who are already familiar with the basics of programming in Python. You don't need to be an expert, but this isn't the place to start if you're brand new to Python programming. This course is not going to contain a lot of theory. I'm going to be focusing on hands-on examples of working with data and using a variety of different Python features. If you need to get started learning Python, there are some great resources here in the library for you. I would suggest Learning Python or Python Essential Training. If you're absolutely new to programming in general, then you should check out the Programming Foundation series here in the library. Many of the concepts I will be demonstrating in this course are introduced in a couple of other courses: Advanced Python: Working with Data and Advanced Python: Language Features. Might be a good idea to watch those courses first so you have a solid understanding of the Python features that I'll be using. But again, it's not absolutely necessary as long as you're comfortable with not having a complete detailed explanation of each feature as we go. And of course, I'm going to be using Visual Studio Code as my development environment. If you're not familiar with VS Code, then consider watching Visual Studio Code for Python Developers. Again, not absolutely necessary, but it might be helpful if you're new to using Visual Studio Code. That's pretty much all you need to know for this course. So once you feel comfortable with these concepts, you are ready to get started.