课程: Growing Your Small Business with LinkedIn
Set up your company page
- [Instructor] Let's get started by setting up our company page on LinkedIn. Now, why would we want a company page? Well, your LinkedIn page is the first place members go to learn about your products and services. And now more than any other social media platform members leverage LinkedIn to find business solutions because of the trusted and professional nature of the community. Now your page itself showcases the best of your brand to LinkedIn members and the world at large, and by maintaining an active and updated page that showcases the best of your brand, members will more easily be able to search, learn and refer your business to their broader network. Now, before you get started, there are a few things you probably want to collect. The first is a logo and a cover image for your company page. And then you also want details about your organization. So you want to understand what your website organization type the size of your organization and so on, and then also create some organization descriptions. So, you'll want a short description of your company as well as a longer more in depth description. So let's go ahead and get started with setting up our company page. So here I am on LinkedIn and to set up a page, all you have to do is go over here, pull down this menu and you'll find towards the bottom create company page. Now, when you do this, it's going to ask you what type of page do you want to create? Well, we want to create a small business page and that's fewer than 200 employees. So let's go ahead and click on that, and now it's going to ask us what type of business do we want to create? Well, I'm going to type in the name of my company, which is Two Trees Olive Oil, and that's basically a food production company. Now we can add in a website and then select an industry. In this case, we're going to be food production. Company size, we're 11 to 50 employees and company type, we are privately held. Now down here, we have a lot more in terms of profile details, we can choose a logo. So I have a couple of these already ranged, and so I have my company logo here and I'm just going to open up that JPEG file. And you could see that it shows up here, and then we're going to have a tagline, which is basically a short description of your company. So I'm going to go ahead and type in a short description. Now you're limited to about 120 characters, and so let's go ahead and click on that, we're an authorized representative and create the page. Now, when you create the page, you will have a number of things to complete, and these are along the top bar here. So, one of the things you can do is add in a cover image, so that's here, and again this is just going to be an image file, so I'm going to select, upload cover image and already have one created here, so I'm going to go ahead and open that. And if your image is slightly larger than the space here, you can drag to reposition it, mine is sized perfectly, so I'm just going to save that. Now, in addition to this, we have a couple of other things that we need to finish. So, we need to finish things such as the description of our company. If I add that in, you'll see here, we have an edit box where we can edit everything about our company. So if I want to, I can type in something such as a description. And if we want to, we can type in a website URL and so on. Now, in addition to this, we can also add in things such as our company's location. So here we would want to add in one or more locations, and then we also have some other options such as the ability to add custom buttons. Create your first post, as well as add hashtags to let people know if you're hiring or other things like that. So your company page is a great way to give your company a presence on LinkedIn.