课程: Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
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Format your writing
- Psychologists know that breaking content into chunks helps people process information and remember it better. The way our phone numbers are written is an example of chunking. It's a lot easier to remember, 833-214-4475, than it is to remember it without the chunks, 833 21 44 75. You can use headings, paragraphs and bulleted lists to break your writing into chunks that are less intimidating than a big wall of text and more easy for readers to skim, process and remember. People most often use this kind of formatting for web writing, but most documents can be improved by using at least some of these techniques. Almost every document has a heading or a title, but you can also break up the text with subheadings or section titles. For example, instead of using a subheading that simply says products, you could have a subheading that says shampoo, brushes and treats. These meaningful subheadings create chunks on the page and let…