课程: Google Drive Essential Training (2023)

Upload files via the web

- [Instructor] It's easy to get started uploading your files. Now, if you're following along, this is cloud software so we can't use any exercise files, but if you are following along, what I would recommend is to stop right here and find some files on your computer that you might want to upload, maybe some photos, maybe some documents. It doesn't matter what they are. You can still follow along on your computer using any files you want. Now, I will show you how to install the desktop Sync app, but if you need to quickly get a file onto Google Drive, you can manually upload it, or multiple files via the browser, which is where we are now. So let's all get started together. Click the New button on the top left-hand side of the screen and choose File Upload. Here's where you can browse your computer's file system and choose the files that you want to upload. I'm on a Mac right now and I can scroll to find my files. I can click one and I can upload more than one file at a time on this screen. On a Mac, I can hold the Command key down. On a Windows computer, I can either place check marks on the left-hand side beside the file or hold down the Control key. Now I'll click Open, and the files will begin to upload. I can see the status on the bottom right-hand side of the screen, and they'll appear directly in Google Drive when they're done uploading. I'll click the X to close out of this dialogue. The time it takes is going to depend on the size of the file that you're uploading and the speed of your internet connection. You can upload files up to five terabytes, but this won't matter unless you've purchased that much storage space anyway from Google. There are some other space guidelines. If you plan on converting a Word document or a text document to a Google Doc format, it can't be larger than 50 megabytes. And something else that's interesting to note, if you're going to take a PowerPoint file and convert it to Google Slides, it can be up to 100 megabytes. From here, you can also upload a folder. I'll click New. And this time, instead of file upload, I'll click Folder Upload. I just wanted to show you that notice, all of the files are grayed out. I can only click on Folders. So you can select an entire folder or double click in here to find a sub folder. Click Upload and that folder and all the contents will be uploaded also. I'll click Cancel on this. What I'm going to do instead is create a folder directly in Google Drive. I'll click New one more time, and this time, the very top option is to create a folder. I'll give the folder a name and click Create. The folder is created. I can see it here at the top above all of my files and it's also here on the left-hand side underneath My Drive. To drag a file into that folder, I can take the file, select it, click and drag with my mouse, and let go when I'm over that folder. I can also drag a file to the folder on the left-hand side too. In fact, I could place check marks beside multiple documents and do the same thing. To navigate into that folder, I can either click on the folder on the top of the screen or click the one on the left-hand side. And don't forget that at any time, you can always toggle back and forth between grid view and list view by clicking this icon on the top right hand-side of the screen. It's whichever one you prefer to view your files. There's no right or wrong. And at any time, I can get back to the main Google Drive screen by clicking My Drive here on the left-hand side of the screen or Drive in the navigation bar.
