课程: Getting Started with Microsoft 365 Viva Engage

Getting started with Viva Engage

- [Instructor] Hi, in this lesson, we're going to get started with Viva Engage. So what is Viva Engage, you might ask? Well, Viva Engage is social media for your company. If you've been around long enough, you may remember Yammer. Viva Engage has basically taken over and become Yammer. Let's take a look. We find Viva Engage, like we find every other new Microsoft app. It's here in Teams. So we're going to go open up Teams and we see the Apps button. We're going to click there, and we're going to search for apps. Up here in the upper left, we'll type in Viva Engage. And there it is, we're going to go ahead and click Open. Let's go. And once we have it here in our Teams, I'm going to right click and pin it so that it's always there and I can see it whenever I want. So Viva Engage, if you're familiar with other social media apps, things like perhaps Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, it looks a lot like some of those, but it's all internal to your company. We even have groups. And we're going to talk about all of this throughout this course. Now throughout the course, we're going to use the desktop version of Teams with Viva Engage. And there is also a online version of Viva Engage as well. Now I want you to take a quick look here, we're going to look at the All Company community here, and we're going to go to our web browser. We're going to go to our Microsoft 365 home, and we see we have Viva Engage here. Now the only difference between the Viva Engage online and the Viva Engage on your desktop is one is online and one is on your desktop. You'll see, and in fact, let's go to the All Company page, you'll see they basically look exactly the same, and they are the same. There's really no difference. The only difference really is the fact that when you look here, we don't have the Teams toolbar like we do here in Viva Engage in Teams. So for that reason, we're simply going to stay here, not here, I should say, and we close that. We're going to stay here in Teams with our Viva Engage. Now I said at the beginning of this, Viva Engage took over Yammer, and it's not like they rebranded Viva Engage. It is a different app. For a time, you had both Yammer and Viva Engage, but Yammer is gone now. But if I come here and look in the All Company community and scroll down, you're going to see old dates. If you look here, you're going to see this date, March 25th, 2020. This is an old conversation posted by Olivia Fitzpatrick. And I can tell you that this was posted in Yammer. We did not have Viva Engage at this point. So any old Yammer conversations, and you can see all of these are from 2020, all of these were created in Yammer. Yammer eventually got folded into Viva Engage and Yammer went away. This one is just from yesterday and this was done here in Viva Engage. And like I said, Viva Engage is social media for your company. Every employee will have their own storyline, which is their homepage, if you will, where they can post their own things. You have a home feed, where you're going to see stuff from anybody. And again, you have different groups or communities as they're called here in Viva Engage. And this one, All Company is created by Viva Engage. It's here from the beginning,. From the very first day you turn on Viva Engage, the All Company community is here and everybody is a member of it. The other communities we have, IT Tips and Tricks, and HR and Benefits were created by users. So now we have a little bit more of an understanding of Viva Engage, and we're going to go through in much more detail throughout the rest of this course. But that's it for this lesson. Thanks for listening, and I'll see you next time.
