Get Promoted Faster: Act Like a Leader 预览

Get Promoted Faster: Act Like a Leader

讲师: CareerBlast.TV、Ora Shtull和William Arruda 1,614 位用户赞了
时长: 23 分钟 技能水平: 通用 发布日期: 2021/2/16


Are you looking to move into a leadership role? In this course, instructors William Arruda and Ora Shtull walk you through how to act like a leader to get the role you want. William and Ora explain how you can be perceived as a leader, even when you have no one to lead. They address questions about how to show up as a leader and outline the three actions that will identify you as a leader instantly. Ora and William show you how to fast-track your leadership skills and become an amazing boss whom your team members will look up to and love. Since rising leaders need to make the most of their limited time, William and Ora also share how to stay on top of your schedule and organize your work, using “the four D” framework.

Note: This course was created by CareerBlast.TV. We are pleased to host this training in our library.




4.8 分,最高 5 分

734 条评分
  • 5 星
    当前数据: 599 82%
  • 4 星
    当前数据: 105 14%
  • 3 星
    当前数据: 25 3%
  • 2 星
    当前数据: 2 1%
  • 1 星
    当前数据: 3 1%



  • 边学边练 1 个练习文件
  • 随时随地学习 可在平板电脑和手机上访问



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