课程: Finding Your Time Management Style

How the course is structured

- This course is designed to be a supplement to my Time Management Fundamentals course. While Time Management Fundamentals teaches you general principles that anyone can use to be productive, this course teaches you how to adapt those general principles and personalize them much in the same way that I would help my clients custom fit their time management system in a private coaching session. Because of this partnership between the two courses, I strongly recommend that either you make a plan to go through Time Management Fundamentals immediately after completing this course or that you only go through this course after you have already completed Time Management Fundamentals. In this way, everything that I'll teach will have immediate context and meaning in your day. Additionally, you might want to look at how this course is laid out which is unusual for typical courses. Chapter one on Discovering Your Style is designed for you to go through start to finish as it will guide you through the process of figuring out your unique way of working. Chapters two and three are not designed for you to watch start to finish but only to select the videos that relate to your time management style. This will make sense after you've completed the assessment. And then finally, chapter four will help you take a look at people around you and what their styles are and come up with a way to work together with them. Complete chapter one, figure out your style then watch the videos related to your style in chapters two and three and then wrap it all up by watching everything to the completion of the course. Now, let's get started on figuring out your time management style.
