课程: Figma: Handing off to Developers
Figma developer handoff
- [Manny] Have you been curious about the developer workflow with Figma? Have you learned the basics of Figma and would like to get deeper into a specific workflow? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, you've come to the right place. In this course, we'll explore the developer workflow with Figma as your tool. Hi, I'm Manny Henri and I've been using many design and prototyping tools, such as Figma. It'll be my pleasure to guide you on this journey to learn about the specific workflow for developers with this tool. We'll first get started by looking at a base project created in Sketch. Then, we'll import a project and reorganize it for developer purposes. Then, we'll move on to explore the tools available for exporting assets. And finally, we'll explore the iteration workflow and how you can collaborate inside of Figma. So if you're ready to learn about how to use Figma for developer workflow, open up your favorite browser and let's get started.