课程: Excel Weekly Challenge


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Sorting up, down, left, and right

Sorting up, down, left, and right

- [Instructor] Let's get this data sorted so that it's easier to look at, 'kay? First, sort the cities left to right. We want to see Annapolis, Maryland first, not Chicago, Illinois. And then change the angle of the city names so that they look like that image. We want the names up and down because when we're only putting Xs in these columns, there's no reason for these columns to be this wide. Once you've got that angle changed, auto widen the columns, get everything shrunk down, and then sort by last name and then first name. So go ahead, pause the video, handle that, come back, and I'll go through it. Okay, you're back. Here we go. I'm going to highlight everything here, move this box, make sure that I have everything. Go to data and then sort. Go to options, sort left to right, okay. Sort by row two. All right, check that out. Widen that a little bit, see, okay. Now, highlight these. Home. Go here to the…
