课程: Excel: Financial Functions in Depth


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Splitting interest and principal payments

Splitting interest and principal payments

- [Instructor] Let's have a look now at how these annual payments might look over time. So let's say for example we borrowed $1 million over a 10 year period at an interest rate of 7.5%. So if we were to just use the standard PMT function, we'll put in the rate, number of periods is 10, and the present value is $1 million. So we need to be able to copy that across, and if we did that, that is not going to work. So we are going to use the F4 shortcut key that's going to anchor it all the way across. And then I'm going to multiply it by minus one, and then I can just copy it all the way across and we can see that it's going to be exactly the same for every one of the periods. Now we're going to calculate the interest using the IPMT. So again, we'll say the rate. We are going to hit the F4 now so that when I copy it across, it remains the same. The period is one. So we are calculating the interest for the first year…
