课程: Excel: Creating Business Budgets
Migrating to Excel Online
- [Host] Some of you may be aware that there's two types of Excel. The Excel desktop app, and also Excel online also known as Excel for the web. Throughout this course we have been using Excel desktop to progressively build a business budget model. That said, you may recall that we briefly touched on OneDrive to demonstrate how to share the budget model with colleagues and also how to undo mistakes using version history. But if we want to truly collaborate over the long term we should try and work exclusively in Excel online which is Microsoft's web-based version of Excel. I should add, in order to follow along you must have a Microsoft 365 account and be logged in using a web browser. If you have the exercise file open in Excel desktop like I have here, start by clicking on the X in the top right hand corner to close the file. Next, make sure that you are in OneDrive ideally in a blank folder. And then you'll need to find the upload button which depending on the version of Microsoft 365 you're using could appear at the top of the screen here. Or you might actually have to click on add new, then select files upload and navigate to the exercise file for this movie and click on open. And in a matter of moments this file should upload into your OneDrive account. I suggest keeping the browser with OneDrive open for the duration of this chapter because we'll be continually using this workbook throughout. Now, this next step is super important. Hover next to the file name and click on the three dots to open up more actions. Then select open, and you'll see two options. open in app and open in browser, and it's open in browser that we want to use on this occasion. Now, just like that, you've actually migrated the business budget model into Excel online simply by uploading it and then opening it up. Now, I should highlight that not every feature that's prepared in Excel desktop will work in Excel online. However, Microsoft will tell us any issues when we go ahead and open the file. Now, on this occasion we didn't receive any warnings so we can continue with confidence to use this file knowing that our budget model will work perfectly fine in Excel online, and you'll see that all the charts work perfectly fine. Okay. You may have also noticed that the user interface is a little bit different here. For example, you'll notice that we have nine dots here at the top left hand side of the screen. This is known as the app launcher icon and is actually the best way to tell if you're using Excel online. If you can see the app launcher icon, then you are in Excel online. If not, you're probably still in the desktop version. The other thing that I should point out is there are less features in Excel online compared with the desktop app, but that's okay. In a moment, we'll step through how you can still use Excel desktop to enhance your online experience but still retain the file in Excel online.