课程: Excel: Advanced Formatting Techniques


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Format tables

Format tables

- [Instructor] Here we have a lot of data and Excel has a feature called tables and too few people use tables. They're so powerful. Also, we're going to look at the formatting of tables. Now, in order to do this, I need to have a contiguous set of data. No blank rows, no blank columns. So I'm going to scroll down, down to row 58, no blank rows or columns. In the home tab, go over to the style section, format as table. We've got a lot of choices here. Some of them are nice and clean. Some of them can be a bit garish. Do we want this one? The table does have headers. Okay. Oh, that's too much. But first of all, I don't like to filter buttons unless I need them. Okay, so let's try another format. Let's go with this green. It's cleaner. Okay, now notice with the cursor inside this data set or inside this table, up top we have a table design tab. I'm going to click away from the table data over here. All…
