课程: Excel: Advanced Formatting Techniques

Create angled text for readability and organization - Microsoft Excel教程

课程: Excel: Advanced Formatting Techniques

Create angled text for readability and organization

- [Instructor] Check out this attendance report. We're on day 14, you see that there. Got day 25, the only content that will ever be in this range. Going down to 25, the only things will be a blank, an NS for no shows, or an X, for they attended. But watch this, I'm going to highlight everything. Double click to auto widen the columns. We don't need all of this space. One thing we can do is highlight all of these, and then do a wrap text, and then squeeze them in like this. Okay, that's one thing we can do, but we're not going to do that. I'm going to undo this jazz, highlight them, and then open the alignment group, and then change the angle of the text. Let's see how this looks. Okay. And then auto widen the columns. Ooh, it's squeezing in. Look at that. Let's angle some more. Bring it here. Okay, look at that. See how this is. Oh my gosh. So much better. We got the wrap text action going. We got the angle text. We can highlight this. Let's say, make this bold. Okay. It's not as easy to read because you do have to tilt your head a bit, but it's okay. It's better than having all that scrolling back and forth and all that space that we didn't need. And here is something else that we can do. I'm going to highlight the data, and those names up top, and then let's go to Font and bring it down to Borders. More borders. Now personally, I feel black lines with the black text is too much. We don't need that, so I'm going to go to, let's grab this gray and grab this line. And then here, click here, click here. Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Doesn't that look good? It looks a whole lot more helpful. And we could do something about this, and maybe move these out of the way. So let's insert and then move this. Okay. Auto widen. Mm, mm, mm. So now we got Day 15 and Anderson didn't attend. Now we've got Chuck, Clarinda, Daphne, Joseph, Carissa, Layla, Lori, nope. Perry, Samuel, and Zola. Now wasn't that sweet?
