课程: Emotional Intelligence Basics


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Unpacking your emotions

Unpacking your emotions

- Everyone is filled with emotions. Based on your own genetics, nurturing, development, you each have your very own neuro-uniqueness, your brain wiring that manages your emotions. Sometimes without even asking, these emotions go right to your head and interfere with your ability to share your amazing gifts. In this lesson, I want to show you how to navigate your emotional conditioning, naming, feeling, and embracing your emotions with compassion. In 2017, UC Berkeley researchers created a really important list, the 27 universal emotions from admiration, adoration, and appreciation all the way to satisfaction, sexual adorance, and surprise. I want you to study the full list in the exercise file below. Your awareness of these emotions will allow you to better understand and identify your emotional experiences. You can can experience two, three, even four emotions simultaneously, and it takes focus and flexibility to navigate…
