课程: Emotional Intelligence Basics
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Mindfulness in a digital setting
- Have you ever said oh shoot, did I really post that on Instagram? Or hit send on an email before you meant to? Well, I think most people have had an online mishap. When you communicate mindfully, you minimize miscommunication. Let's build your skills to mindfully communicate online with clarity. Let go of your social mask and create your authentic avatar. Mindfulness is defined as the awareness that arises from paying attention on purpose in the present moment and non-judgmentally. It's basically the simple practice of being presently aware of your surroundings in the here and now. Mindfulness provides balanced focus on the mind and one's attention. Through practicing mindfulness, the mind builds brain pathways dedicated to be presently aware and this is known as neural plasticity. A simple way to come into mindfulness is check in with your breath. A mindful breath focuses your attention on the breath and in…