课程: Developing Executive Presence
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Shifting emotions
- When you lose your poise, it's like you were driving free and clear on the highway, then mistakenly took the wrong off-ramp onto unfamiliar streets. The highway is your you at your best emotional state. It's how feel when you're making progress on your passion to make a positive difference for others. You're energized, motivated, enthused, purposeful. You feel great. The highway gets you where you want to go. But we all have times when we lose our composure. Something happens to make us lose confidence or get unhinged or want to give up. That's the off-ramp. When that happens, here's what to do. The first step is to recognize which emotional off-ramp you took. When you lose your poise or self-assurance, what specifically are the dominant feelings you experience? Now, they're not fun, but we all have loss of poise patterns, and it's important to identify yours to get self-awareness about your particular tendency. As the poet Maya Angelou said, and she's another magnificent role model…