课程: Developing Executive Presence
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Inner presence before outer presence
- Executive presence is like running a marathon in the Olympics. Foundational for success is the fuel needed to sustain you, for such a monumental effort. You must be very thoughtful about your diet and nutrition. It's the source of all your energy. Without the right fuel, you'll fail. The foundation for executive presence, the purpose driven nutrition that fuels every aspect of how you show up with strength and confidence, even in tough circumstances, is a particular sort of passion. It's the first of four key factors. The one we covered in the previous video, your passion to make a positive difference for others. After that foundation is in place, the running analogy continues. Next for the marathon, you need to take a broader longer term perspective, about how best to train. You need a regiment about how far you run, on which days, under which conditions, and how you tailor the plan as you get closer to the race. Likewise for executive presence. The second factor is perspective…