课程: Developing Business Acumen
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Manage people
- An organization's people is the key determinant in how work gets done and how successful your organization is. What types of people do you hire? How are they paid? How are they organized? Understanding how you manage them determines how work gets done or doesn't within that company. Take a look at your organization. What types of people do you have? Are they hourly? Are they salary? Are they contractors? How are they paid? What are their incentives? How are they measured in terms of performance and how do you track their performance over time? What's your turnover like? What about training? Where do you recruit from? Where are you finding people and how are you bringing them into the organization? What does your org chart look like? Is it very flat? Is it very hierarchical? In my organization, we're very flat. All my instructors are contractors. I don't have employees. They're all senior-level staff. All their compensation is commission-based. If they sell something, they make…