课程: Developing a Feedback Mindset to Accelerate Your Career


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Develop feedback channels

Develop feedback channels

- One day, I received a call from my colleague, Janice. She had been on the job for a few months, completed some projects and built solid relationships, but something was missing, she didn't know how she was doing. As she approached six months on the job, she desperately wanted to know how she was tracking. She consistently asked her manager, how am I doing? Is there anything I could be doing better? Her manager's response of, you asked for too much feedback, sent her spiraling. I sat quietly on the phone while Janice worked through her tears, she said, "I only wanted to know how I was doing." Janice is not alone, it may sound familiar to you and may even be your own story. Did you know that 65% of employees want more feedback? Even today's workplaces data suggests that only 19% of millennials strongly agree that they receive feedback routinely at work, let that sink in. Many see the value of having feedback, but are…
