课程: Develop Interpersonal Skills for Inclusive Workplaces
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Identifying and prioritizing relationships
课程: Develop Interpersonal Skills for Inclusive Workplaces
Identifying and prioritizing relationships
- Have you ever had an experience like this? There's someone at work, maybe a new hire on your team, and you're trying to get to know them better to build trust and foster inclusion. You put on your friendliest face, send them encouraging emails, and ask after their family. But you feel like you're getting nowhere. They're polite and respectful, but they don't seem like they want to be meeting you for after-work tea anytime soon. And you know what? That's okay. We all have different boundaries when it comes to our relationships at work and we all have different ideas and preferences of what a strong working relationship looks and feels like. Part of your role in strengthening your own working relationships is recognizing where your preferences and boundaries intersect with others and working from there. I like that intersection metaphor, so just stay with me a moment as I expand on it. You can visualize relationships as…