课程: Designing a Training Program: Setting Goals, Objectives, and Mediums

Pick the right training approach

- Developing a training program without learning outcomes is like taking your family on a road trip with no destination and no roadmap. Seems like a recipe for disaster, doesn't it? When you know the desired learning outcomes of the training you're developing, it can help you to pick the right approach to the design of the instruction. For example, if the result of the training should be that a person knows how to fill out the right form, then you need to create how-to instruction. This can be a how-to video, steps listed on a sheet of paper, or a poster indicating the proper sequence and number of steps. To create the how-to video or instructions, you need to first break down the process into small easily understandable steps and then create instructions for each step. If you're creating a video, you'll want a script and you want to ensure the video is of high quality so the person watching it can follow along. Also, a good technique for creating memorable how-to instruction is to first give an overview of the process and then explain each step. This gives the person an understanding of the complete process and helps them to follow along as they perform the process. But how to is not the only type of instruction. Sometimes a learning program's learning objective is to make employees aware of a new policy, a new product feature, or a change in approach to customer service. If the training is around the awareness of a new policy, then you would be better off focused more on a marketing type campaign where you provide a video of the CEO or someone of authority explaining the importance of a new policy and even plan some small group departmental meetings with a slide deck to introduce the new policy. You may also want to create a few interactive exercises so that the learners understand the implications of the new policy. If you're in the position of teaching people skills such as communications, selling, or negotiating, then you'll need to create an instructional approach that includes first explaining the model or method of selling or negotiating. People need a model which to understand the basics for interacting with others. The next step is to then provide examples and non-examples of the application of the model. Show a video of two people properly interacting and then show one of two people not interacting according to the model that you just taught. This will provide a compare and contrast for the learner and allow them to see the difference between the correct and incorrect approach. The final step is to then have the learners practice the skills. This is a critical step because practicing the skill is the best way to ensure that the learners know how to apply skills like negotiation and sales. In fact, any type of training you develop should involve an opportunity for the learners to practice. This will help to reinforce the instruction you're creating and make it easy for the learner to recall the content. So remember, designing training with the learning outcome in mind helps you to pick the right approach for whatever instruction you need to create.
