课程: Design Foundations: Prototyping and Manufacturing


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Prototyping discussion with a designer

Prototyping discussion with a designer

- In this movie, we're going to talk a little deeper about prototyping and prototyping materials, but we're going to get a little bit more specific around one area, and that's haptics, the way something feels. And that might be the way it looks, the way it sounds, and the way you engage with it. And with us today, I have Mike Elam. Mike Elam is a industrial designer by education and training, but he has a very unique specialty in the understanding of haptics, and he's going to share with us how he does that. Mike is the director of product development at RKS Design. Thanks, Mike, for joining us. - Hi, Scott. - So what is haptics? - I suppose that haptics for me is the way that a product feels and how that experience communicates the value of a product, the value of a brand, and really enhances the overall experience of the product. So you can have two products that look exactly the same, but they can feel completely differently, and that, haptics can be about, just about the materials…
