课程: Dealing with Grief, Loss, and Change as an Employee


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Common physical reactions

Common physical reactions

- With unexpected, unpredictable, quick, tragic, or traumatic change or loss there may be initial reactions that look like shock, such as overwhelm, confusion, disorientation, nausea, being dazed, feeling frozen, numbness, or even anger or rage. And when shock settles, sadness and tearfulness may follow. Now, anger, confusion, or numbness can also remain, and sometimes people describe their grief in much more physical terms. They may say that they experience headaches of stomachaches or muscle tension. Where there have been especially longstanding or close relationships and loss has occurred, it is possible that grief can continue for a long period of time. And sometimes that sadness shifts out of grief into something more, something significantly more. It can go beyond grief and shift into panic or fear or withdrawal. Or it could even shift into what psychologists call a clinical depression. And when that depression…
