CSS for Developers
- [Morten] I remember the first time I encountered CSS. This was many years ago, but the experience still stands the test of time. Here was this markup language which only worked when applied to code written in a different language and the way it was applied was through this thing called the Cascade. And sometimes it worked, and other times I couldn't get it to do what I wanted to no matter how much I tried. If you're a programmer of any other language and you suddenly find yourself facing CSS, I know how you feel 'cause I've been there myself. I also know, once you get a hang of the idiosyncrasies and inner workings of this wonderful styling language, you'll realize mastering CSS gives you the power to make any website or any web app look like anything you want. So that's what we'll do in this course. Approach CSS from a programmer's perspective to understand how it works and how to work with it. I've built a bunch of bare bones examples for you to experiment with in code spaces and stuff the course full of explainers and links to further documentation for your future reference and exploration. CSS gives you the power of the visual web and I'm here to show you how to get it right. So let's get cracking.