课程: Cross-Selling


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Maximizing revenue opportunities

Maximizing revenue opportunities

课程: Cross-Selling

Maximizing revenue opportunities

- Most businesses have more revenue potential than they even realize. In order to ensure we maximize your potential, let's do some digging to uncover your revenue goal. To increase your revenue, the output, you need to influence the inputs. Now we're going to drill down into your revenue model and find sales inputs. Things like inquiries from prospects, conversions, retention rates, et cetera. Things that can be optimized for impact. This exercise will also reveal which products need more cross-selling attention. Revenue is a calculation. A calculation of the number of transactions per customer multiplied by your price per transaction multiplied by the number of customers. So, if your average transaction value is, let's say $10,000, and you generate, on average, five transactions per client or customer per year, and you have 100 clients or customers, you will have $10,000 times five, or $50,000, times 100 clients, which equals $5 million in revenue. Now, to increase revenue, you have…
