课程: Cross-Selling


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Determining the right tools and technology

Determining the right tools and technology

课程: Cross-Selling

Determining the right tools and technology

- Technology allows us to be more efficient, and ultimately, more effective. That's why it's so important that we implement the right technology in our business today in order to maximize our cross-selling efforts. Let's walk through a short list of the major tools and technology you may already be familiar with, but if not, you need to consider for your business. Let's start with your Customer Relationship Management system, or CRM. Your CRM is the foundation of your technology stack, acting as a central repository for all your customer data it allows your salespeople to coordinate and keep track of customers, leads, and prospects. A CRM system will typically host this information in the cloud, making it accessible to anyone in the business at any time. The CRM you choose will depend on your volume, your need for integration, and the sophistication of your IT staff and user base. A good CRM is instrumental in your ability to cross-sell effectively. Knowing where each customer stands…
