课程: Cross-Selling


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Defining, scoring, and measuring the buyer journey

Defining, scoring, and measuring the buyer journey

课程: Cross-Selling

Defining, scoring, and measuring the buyer journey

- Let's look at how sales and marketing work together to determine how qualified a specific customer is, as well as what products from your cross-selling portfolio are most important to them. There are many elements in play, from content creation to lead generation, and determining how customers engage, when they engage, and with what content is critical. Being able to follow a buyer's journey and influence the speed at which they progress through your awareness, consideration, and decision stages, also known as buyer journey velocity, will go a long way in helping you determine how qualified a specific customer is as well as what products from your cross-selling portfolio will be most important to them. Creating key marketing metrics around the buyer journey velocity is critical in tracking results. To do this, it's important to establish benchmarks through previous results. When defining benchmarks, it's vital to properly define conversion criteria that tightly matched the…
