课程: Creativity at Work: A Short Course from Seth Godin


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Learning how to juggle

Learning how to juggle

- I'm going to teach you something that I've taught thousands and thousands of people around the world. I'm going to teach you how to juggle. Bear with me, 'cause even if you don't want to know how to juggle, this will be useful. Some people really like watching jugglers. I am one of those people. If you are a good soul and you are watching someone juggling, my guess is that you are rooting for them to not drop the ball, 'cause sort of the entire point of juggling is to not drop the ball. So when I say to people, adults, high functioning, successful adults, want to learn how to juggle? And people say, sure, what happens is they do one, two, three throws and then sooner or later, pretty soon actually, one of the throws goes off course and they lunge to grab it. And maybe they do 'cause they're a high achiever. But as soon as they've lunged, they're out of position. And that means the next one's definitely going to…
