课程: Creating a Short Film: 05 Directing


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Telling stories with a camera

Telling stories with a camera

- One of the most powerful storytelling tools you have as a filmmaker is the camera. The camera essentially represents the eyes of the audience. Just like in real life, people move for various reasons, but always for a purpose. We get closer to those we feel more intimacy towards and further away from people that creep us out. When we're excited, and our heart is racing with anger or fear, we often get antsy. We can't sit still. As filmmakers, we can help the audience feel those same emotions by moving the camera as if they were feeling those feelings. If we wanted the audience to feel more connected to a character, then we could move the camera closure, as in the opening shot of The Assurance. We wanted people to be drawn into this world, so we moved the camera, essentially the audience, closer to Korda'a. As part of this chapter we're going to look a little closer at a few of the most common camera moves. But with the increasing availability of gear like sliders, drones…
