课程: Creating a Short Film: 05 Directing


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Directing the edit

Directing the edit

- In this chapter, we're going to look at the role of the director in post production. This whole chapter is going to be less like tutorials and more like reminders and rules of thumb, things to be aware of. When production ends, post production begins, and that is the last chance to refine your story. In the first part of that process, you'll start working with the editor. The general workflow, from my experience, is that you give the editor some time to put together a rough edit. This is usually called a rough cut. This consists of a lot of cataloging, renaming, ordering, syncing, and other monotonous tasks. So they'll usually do that stuff on their own. After that, they'll usually show a cut to the director. I prefer to do this by sending files digitally using a service like Frame.io, Dropbox, Google Drive, maybe a private link on YouTube or Vimeo. The director will then review this and make notes, typically big picture notes about overall stuff: structure, chronology of the…
