课程: Construction Management: Planning and Scheduling


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Assign durations, costs, and resources

Assign durations, costs, and resources

- At this point in the process, we've defined our items, we've ordered our items, and we've modeled the relationships. Now, we have to assign a duration to each activity. Of course, this is one of those magical mystery numbers that can make our schedule look like it works, or not. And, that's always the million dollar question on a construction project, which is, how long is this going to take? To answer this, you might do things like use historical data if you have that available. That could be your own company's historical data, or it could be from an industry guide like RS Means that gives typical production rates for lots of different types of work. If you're self performing the work, you may have accurate productivity rates for different activities that you can apply to the quantities on this project. Keep in mind though, that you may need to confer with your field personnel or your field supervisors. If you're sub-contracting the work out, you may want to talk to the…
