课程: Construction Management Foundations


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Breaking the industry down

Breaking the industry down

- Now remember, construction and the construction industry really includes the building of all fixed facilities and structures on the planet. So, let's break that down a little. And let's take a look at the different types of construction that exist. So we can begin to categorize things and look at the roles that are played by somebody that has this title of construction manager. Now I could spend hours breaking this all down and listening all of the categories and construction types. But for the purposes of this course, let's break the industry down into two different types of construction. Vertical and horizontal. So, what I mean by this is that when I say vertical construction, I'm generally talking about buildings and when I say horizontal construction, I'm generally talking about things like roads and infrastructure. Now these are very broad categories, I know. But they'll suit our purposes here for this course. So let's start with vertical construction. And let's take a look at…
