课程: Construction Management Foundations
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A day in the life
- We've talked about some of the different roles that can be played by a person with the title of Construction Manager. So, now let's hear from a few people who actually have this title, and learn a little bit more about what they do each day. - My name is Nate Gorrocino. I'm a Project Manager for Sunland Asphalt. We are a heavy civil contractor in the state of Arizona. We work primarily in asphalt related projects, such as roads and streets. - My name's Lew Laws. I'm a graduate from Arizona State University, a long, long time ago, 25 years ago. Actually graduated with a Mechanical Engineering degree. Never thought I would ever be in construction. I graduated during a recession, though, and could not find the job that I wanted, so just kind of fell in my lap by one of the ladies that I worked with at American Express in Customer Service, her father just happened to work for Johnson Controls. And she said, "Oh, you're an engineer. "They're looking for engineers." 'Cause everybody uses…