课程: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL: From Beginner to Advanced

Data's increasing influence

- [Narrator] Now that we've defined the difference between data and information, in this video, you are about to journey through time to understand how data has evolved from its humble beginnings into an essential part of our modern world. In the early days, data was like scattered pebbles. It existed in simple forms like tally marks on a cave wall or early agricultural records etched into clay tablets. These rudimentary records helped our ancestors track the passage of time, seasons, and resources. As civilizations flourished, data took on more structured forms. Think of census records in Ancient Rome or the meticulous record keeping of Egyptian Pharaohs. This structured data enabled better governance and resource management. Fast forward to the industrial revolution and beyond. Data evolved dramatically. The invention of the telegraph followed by the telephone allowed information to be transmitted over vast distances in near real-time. This era also saw the birth of modern statistics with figures like Florence Nightingale pioneering data visualization to improve healthcare. The late 20th century marked a seismic shift with the advent of computers. Data transformed into bits and bytes, opening new frontiers. Databases became essential and data analysts became more sophisticated. Businesses started using data to optimize operations and enhance decision making. In our contemporary world, data is everywhere. It's in your pocket, on your wrist, and in the very infrastructure of the internet. Smartphones, IOT devices and massive data centers store and process petabytes of information daily. This data fuels scientific research, informs policy making, and underpins the services and conveniences of our digital age. As you journeyed through the history of data, you saw how it has grown from simple marks on walls to a digital matrix that shapes our everyday lives. Up next, you'll uncover the fascinating role of a data scientist and other professionals who work with data. See you in the next video.
