课程: Communicating with Diplomacy and Tact


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Defining diplomacy and tact

Defining diplomacy and tact

- As I sat in my colleague Karen's office blindsided by the unpleasant comments she was making about our colleague Pat, I had several options in how I could pitch my response. One option would be to show a lot of emotion, and be obvious about my disapproval with her words, or even ask her to stop. Or I could give her a nervous smile, and dismiss her comments with something like "Now you can't be that negative about Pat can you?" Responding with tact has to do with your behavior, and a complex balance of several skills. They include attentive listening, rapport, politeness, and most important, empathy. We need to both build this set of skills, and know how best to use them, especially when unexpected or difficult situations happen in the workplace. Or for that matter, in any setting. Diplomacy is the situational barometer or the mindset with which we analyze different situations. It's important to…
