课程: Communicating Across Cultures Virtually


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Tackling verbal nuances

Tackling verbal nuances

- Think about it, when you meet with someone in person, your interaction involves hundreds of verbal and nonverbal signals between the two of you. But when you meet in the virtual stage, much of this information is lost. Contextual cues become limited to tone of voice, some gestures and body language, depending on the angle of the camera lens. Here are a few things to consider before your next cross-cultural virtual meeting. Flex to the direct, indirect scale. Your style may be very straightforward, but that combined with the direct nature of a virtual meeting could become overwhelming for some groups, consider adding language that accentuates inclusiveness and collaboration such as, let's all do this, or shall we proceed or words such as we, us, group, when you want to take action, it may help. Note my use of a modal verb. One that expresses possibility, it may help to start with the, what's in it for the audience…
