课程: Coaching Your Team to Think and Act Strategically

Using coaching to build strategic skills

- If you're looking to help your team think and act more strategically, you're likely asking yourself two questions. Can I really develop those skills in others? And if I can, what's the best way to do it? Most of the time, when we think about building strategic skills in our team, we approach it by creating roles and job experiences that build that strategic muscle. That can mean moving your people into new roles to cultivate a broader view of the business, or it can mean encouraging new challenges, like sending them abroad. You might also consider putting them on a strategic initiative committee. This approach works and can be really powerful, but we should also look at how our day-to-day management style either helps or hinders strategic behaviors and thinking. If you're like many busy managers, your approach may lean towards doing what's most expedient to handle the issue of the day. This just get it done mindset can make you a bit too directive, and you end up just telling your direct reports what to do. It gets you to a faster resolution in the short term, but in the long term, you're not building the strategic muscle that you need. To develop strategic skills, we want to embrace a more coaching style. With coaching, we're aiming to get the team to think for themselves, so we need to get curious about how they arrive at their decisions, and understand what issues and options they see. When they get tools and not answers, they can assess for themselves how their actions and decisions will impact others. You've probably heard the old adage, give someone a fish and you feed them for a day, teach someone to fish and you feed them for a lifetime. Well, the same is said of coaching. By asking more questions, listening differently, and teaching your team to experiment and reflect, you build strategic skills that serve them their entire career, and make your job as a manager a heck of a lot easier.
