课程: Cert Prep: Excel Associate - Microsoft Office Specialist for Microsoft 365 Apps
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Solution: Full-length practice exam - Microsoft Excel教程
课程: Cert Prep: Excel Associate - Microsoft Office Specialist for Microsoft 365 Apps
Solution: Full-length practice exam
(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Welcome to the solution video for your final challenge. For your final challenge, you use the 07_01 challenge exercise file. And I challenged you to complete all the tasks in 40 minutes or less. So let's jump right in. First, we'll save the file as My Final Challenge back in our Chapter 7 folder. We'll go to File and Save As, change our name here, and click Save. Next, add the following document properties. A comment: Draft #1, and a tag, actually two tags, Excel Final Challenge and MOS. Let's go to our Properties window. File and Info. We can put our tags right here. Excel final challenge; MOS. In our comment, we'll go into our Advanced Properties to the Comment field and type Draft #1. Click OK. And let's get back into our document. Number three, import the Customerlist text file into a new worksheet. Edit the data before loading to the worksheet to make sure…