课程: C# Practice: Interfaces and Abstract Classes

What you should know

- [Narrator] This is a code challenge course, where you get to prove your skills by writing code to solve the proposed challenges. There are five challenges in this course. Before you write the code, let me provide some context. What do you need to know? I'll tell you what kinds of challenges are in the course, the skills you'll need to demonstrate, and some resources where you can acquire the necessary knowledge. The theme for this course is abstract classes and interfaces. Most of the challenges are focused on interfaces, but the first is a code challenge that examines your knowledge on how to create an abstract class with abstract members and then use that class in a derived type. In C# and .NET, interfaces are a powerful tool for creating flexible and scalable code. There is a challenge that asks you to create an interface and implement that interface in another type. There's another challenge that asks you to refactor a bloated interface and then there is a challenge where you must determine whether a type implements an interface. Finally, you'll be asked to use some standard .NET interfaces like IComparable. You'll find information about these topics in our C#, Interfaces and Generics course.
