课程: Building a Website with Statamic


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Getting ready to deploy

Getting ready to deploy

- Now that our website is looking great locally. We need to push our code to GitHub to have it ready to be deployed. I'm not going to spend much time going over what Git or GitHub are. So if you need a refresher, there are many courses available in the LinkedIn learning library to help you get started. Before we go any further there are a few things I'd like to address. First of all, let's run our local website through the Lighthouse audit in the Chrome's DevTools. This is to see if there is anything we should fix before we deploy it. Here is the Lighthouse tab. And then here, I'm going to click on analyze page load. Okay. Most of it is great, but there is something we could do to improve the accessibility of the website. The issue we have is that our social media links don't have a name or a label. And if we inspect them they don't even have the old attributes. So let's quickly add it to each social media logo in the…
