课程: Beyond Basic PowerPoint Slides: Adding Visual Variety

Hands-on: Varying fill color

- [Instructor] Another way to vary the fill is to change the color of a picture, used here as a backdrop behind this list of activities. Let's create this example slide together. Follow along in PowerPoint, open up the Visual Variety exercises PowerPoint file, and then go to slide five. Now, this slide is almost blank, but if I zoom out, you'll see that there's a list of activities on the left. Keep it there for now. We're going to add it to the slide last. From the Insert ribbon, choose Picture and Insert Picture From This Device, and then navigate to the Assets folder. Choose the picture Bicycle. You can double-click on it to insert the picture onto the slide. Now let's turn on our design grid again. Go to the View tab and choose Guides. We'll use this to align the picture. Select the picture and align it with the left side of the slide. Then on the Picture Format tab, choose Crop, and crop this right handle all the way to the middle vertical guide. Now let's adjust the size and position of the subject within the cropped area. Drag the top left corner handle up and to the left, just about here, so we can maybe align that left bike tire with this guide, roughly. Let's put the cursor inside of this cropped area, where it turns into the four-headed arrow, and move the pic down slightly. Maybe about like that. And click outside the picture to accept our new crop. Now we need to recolor the picture. Select the picture again, and then right-click and choose Format Picture. We're going to choose this picture icon and then expand the section under Picture Color. Choose the Recolor option, and then we'll select this color here, Teal, Accent color 2 Dark. Now, this recolors the picture, but it's a bit too bright for us to use as a backdrop. Now, I could play with Picture Corrections settings and color and brightness and all that, but it's a lot quicker to accomplish what we want to do by adding a semi-transparent shape on top. From the Home ribbon, under Shapes, choose rectangle. And draw a rectangle the same size as our picture. Notice how it snaps right to those guides? Makes it really easy to line it up. With the rectangle selected, I'm going to change the fill color to dark teal. And then, on our Format Shape task pane here, I'm going to type 20 in the Transparency setting and press enter. We can close the task pane for now. Now, this three-color strip is a group. Select that group and drag it just to the right of the picture so that it aligns with that middle guide. Now, from the Home ribbon, we're going to draw another rectangle. So under the Shapes gallery here, we'll choose rectangle. And this time, I'm going to start right at the top of this dark teal section of our three-color strip and draw a rectangle that fills this bottom right corner of the slide. And then, from the Shape Fill, choose this third color, the light green or light gold. Next, we're going to draw a text box. So from the Shape gallery, choose text box. Draw a text box anywhere up here and start typing. The first line is Re+ward members, and then press enter. The second line, type Enjoy new ways. Third line, we're going to press enter for the third line, To stay active. Notice how this created an uppercase T automatically? I'm going to change that to a lowercase t. Now, with the text box selected, I'm selecting the outside of the text box. On the Home ribbon, I'm going to go up to the font size and change the text size to 36 and press enter. Let's move this so that it aligns with this. Scale the bottom of the text box, and I want the middle of this three lines of text to align with the middle of our slide, positioned just slightly to the right of our three-color strip. Now select the text Re+ward members. And then change the font size up at the top to 40. And choose B for bold. Now we'll choose the text off-slide, and then from the Home tab, choose Arrange, and Bring to Front. We're going to move this and align it to our leftmost guide, positioning it on top of the picture. And then, from the View tab, we can uncheck guides. The list of activities here in light teal set on top of the darker recolored picture background. And this example is complete. Varying the fill with picture color and a transparent shape is a great use of a picture as a tonal backdrop behind a list of items.
